One of the most frequent questions I get asked is what's the story with sushi? Can it be eaten on a diet?
The truth is sushi would be a great choice because there's lots of variety, it's a decent calorie per meal it has carb protein and fat.
And it's easy to pick up on the go.
However it only takes about two minutes to eat a roll of sushi so your brain process is it as a snack not as a meal.
When you're watching your calories and weight it's important to feel satisfied with your meals since you can't supplement with more calories .
You never want to be yearning for more food after you've already finished your meal.
Since Sushi doesn't register as a meal you wouldn't be satisfied with a roll of sushi as a lunch.
That doesn't mean that Sushi is never a good choice sometimes you only have 2 minutes to eat lunch. Then grab a roll of sushi.
Does Sushi make you full?
White rice is stripped of its nutrients and fiber. Brown rice would be about 3 grams higher for about the amount they use on a roll. Which by the way is more than it looks.
Does it make much of a difference whether brown or white rice is used?
It obviously depends on the the type of roll no more than 3 pieces. Don't expect to feel full but u may feel soothed cause u had ur favorite food. Is 3 pieces worth it for u?
If yes then go for it. But make sure u know what you'll b doing with the rest. Don't let it sit around to temp you.cuz temp you it will!
im a big sushi lover i can i have sushi for my afternoon snack? if yes how much?